Curriculum vitae
1949 Born in Amsterdam
1969 Gerrit Rietveld Academie
1977 Publication of Het bruidspaar van de Eiffeltoren (The Wedding Party on the Eiffel Tower) by Jean Cocteau as a graphic novel in the literary magazine De Revisor
1979 Tutti Frutti, Museum Fodor, group exhibition
1980 Starts a graphic studio with an etching press with Peter van der Heijden and Wilbert Vaessen
1981 Kunstenaars in het verzet (Artists in the resistance), Amsterdam, group exhibition
1982 Solidariteit met El Salvador (Solidarity with El Salvador), Amsterdam, group exhibition
1983 Solidariteit met Angola (Solidarity with Angola), Amsterdam, group exhibition
Kunst=Bestaan (Art=Existence), Nieuwe Kerk, Amsterdam, group exhibition
1985 Vierde Maritieme Schildersprijsvraag (4th Maritime Painters Contest), Antwerpen, group exhibition
1987 Fokker Aircraft Works, Amsterdam, solo
1988 Steun het Chileens verzet (Support the resistance in Chili), Amsterdam, group exhibition
1989 4th International Print Exhibit, Taipeh Taiwan, group exhibition
1990 Galerie Hommage, Amsterdam, group exhibition
1992 Bibliothèque nationale, Paris, France, group exhibition
1993 Goethe Institute, Conception, Chili, solo
Masterclass Etching, Bellas Artes, Conception, Chili
Huanchipato graphic workshop, Talcahuano, Chili
1995 Call me Ishmael, W139, Amsterdam, with Hans van den Ban
1997 Galerie Hommage, Amsterdam, group exhibition
1999 Educare, Guadalajara, Mexico, solo
Workshop Etching, Zapopan, Mexico
2001 Moby Dick, Hofstra University, Hempstead New York, US, group exhibition
Stadsdeelkantoor West, Amsterdam, group exhibition
2002 W.G. Kunst, Amsterdam, group exhibition
2003 Uit de kast (Out of the closet), WG Kunst, Amsterdam, group exhibition
2004 Los Zand (Grains of Sand), WG Kunst, Amsterdam, group exhibition
2005 Zomercollectie (Summer Collection), WG Kunst, Amsterdam, group exhibition
2008 Freezeframes, WG Kunst, Amsterdam, solo
2013 Call me …, paintings and etchings inspired on Moby Dick, WG Kunst, Amsterdam, solo
Text Hans van den Ban
English translation Ruud van der Helm
Translation spanish Dorotheé Meddens
Photo Charley Reuvers: ©Myscha Oréo
Design & website: Irma Bekking